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UX Audit: Complete Guide to Improving Your Product’s User Experience

Any business that has an app or website might need occasional tweaking, including keeping a close eye on the conversion rate. 

First, ask yourself – are your interface, software, and content achieving goals? How easy can your visitors find the content? Are they converting? 

You are not the only one meeting these challenges. Every business owner, sooner or later, starts thinking about conversion rate optimization.

We are here to assess your digital products and suggest changes to help you better understand your customers and increase your revenue. Remember, there’s always room for improvement, so this is where a professional UX audit can be essential.

But first, let’s figure out what a UX audit is.

A User Experience Audit (UX Audit) — is an expert evaluation of how your potential customers interact with the product. 

Our team quickly helps you find critical issues that impact your online business based on analytics, users’ behavior, and key site metrics. And provide you recommendations based on UX best practices for each of the issues identified in terms of an actionable plan.

For example,

Error messages should be expressed in simple language, without technical jargon. Such messages need to indicate the problem and constructively suggest a solution.

Error messages

Why do you need a professional UX Audit?

The business owner and the team are not the users. So, unfortunately, you cannot see the pain points as clearly as the user does. That is one of the reasons why UX Audit is so essential.

But the other question is why it is worth investing in UX Audit

Why make UX audit?

Good UX makes the product better for the customer. And a satisfied customer means higher levels of conversion and sales. In addition, UX quality control brings you lower customer acquisition costs, support costs, and increased customer retention. 

UX Audit is quick wins and objective decisions. It is more practical to find critical gaps during a UX audit than do a complete redesign, agree?

UX Audit will reveal exactly what your users are struggling with so that you can direct your resources to fix issues that significantly impact your online business. 

How do we do UX Audit?

1 Step – Complete order

Place an order and fill in all details about your website, this information will be extremely helpful in future UX audit.

2 Step – UX audit

One of our UX experts will do a detailed review and analysis of your website. This will include different tools and practices. Also, UX experts will provide recommendations on how the issues can be resolved.

3 Step – Download your PDF report!

You will receive a comprehensive report with potential usability problems and flags on serious issues. That includes navigation issues, responsive design problems, colors, CTA positions, and how your website layout is good.

The design team will provide recommendations based on UX best practices for each issue identified in terms of an actionable plan.

The document contains the following information: 

– Methodology used

– Conclusions made based on analytics

Audit results described in detail, highlighting the main pain points and potential areas for improvement in the following format:

– name and description of the problem

– screenshot for its visualization

– recommendations on its elimination

Once you receive your report, you can also ask the help of our experts to help you resolve all the issues. We can estimate each task properly, so it is easy for you to prioritize.

Some examples of identified issues and recommendations from the report.

Purpose of a UX audit for your business

– After UX audit, you can make changes based on data

Gathering information about your website’s performance will give you a realistic overview of your users’ intentions and challenges.

– Align your vision with user expectations

A UX audit allows you to look at your product from the user’s point of view so you can convey your value proposition clearly. Also, our UX expert will give recommendations and help you choose the right direction. 

– Increase profits and grow your target audience

Conducting a UX Audit will give an understanding of what features should be improved to get more completed and efficient actions from the users. The better the experience for your users, the more revenue your website will generate. 

Users will understand your product better and faster as you improve your value proposition, user interface, and communication. An increase in conversions will occur after you find and remove obstacles on the way to purchase.

For example, if you simplify the registration process and make your product intuitive, more satisfied customers and referrals and fewer outflows will follow. In addition, this will increase your customer retention.

Why are we the right UX partner?

For the past 5 years, our team has helped more than 100 organizations improve their websites. Our clients love what we do.

After a UX audit, you will be able to: 

– increase conversion rates

– increase page depth

– decrease bounce rate

– improve average session duration

Benefit from our extensive experience in UX audit and leave all the UX issues to us. We’re ready to help you redesign your digital product and get more love from your users. So let’s discuss your project and how we can improve your online business today. 

Contact us at hello@sweetcode.pro or visit our landing page to get started!