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What Is a UX Audit and Why Your Business Need One

Have you ever faced problems like data indicates that traffic has declined? Doesn’t a new website perform as expected? Do the web pages rank well, but conversions are low? Think about that – maybe you should contact a professional UX designer. It can be merely part of problems that you could face neglecting UX Audit.

What’s a UX Audit, you ask?

Simply put, a User Experience Audit (UX Audit)  is a way to identify less-than-perfect areas of a digital product, revealing which parts of a site or app are causing problems for users and hindering conversions. UX audit should let you know how to boost conversions by making it easier for users to achieve site or application goals.
I guess you want to have users take target actions — sign up or make purchases, right? Remember that users should do these actions without any obstacles. So UX designers’ goal is to make a website, mobile app, or other software intuitive, so the user no need to guess what this icon or button means.

A few words about how UX audit works.

A quality UX Audit is a complex process consisting of refined steps and methodologies that are carefully chosen based on the specifics of the website and the situation during a UX audit using various methods, tools, and metrics to analyze where a product is going wrong. As a result, you take – a list of identified issues and less-than-perfect areas—also heuristics-based recommendations for corrections. After you work through and eliminate major issues, lead flow may increase by 10% and more in the following month.

Well, why is your business need a UX Audit?

First of all, If you wish your product to generate income, it’s vital to check UX design even for the minimum valuable product. UX Audit is usually making a product that exists for some time has a backlog of data to examine.

Here are a few possible reasons why you should Conduct a UX Audit beyond the ones we mentioned at the beginning.

–  Your website has been on the market for several years
–  The site was never or not regularly tested by a UX expert
–  Your team does not have a professional UX designer
–  You weren’t paying attention to people’s feedback on your site
–  You are launching a Startup, and you need an external opinion on whether the MVP is user-friendly
–  After three or more months since the website redesign, instead of generating more inquiries or sales, the numbers have not changed
–  It’s time to update the information on your site

Summing up, let me remind you that through usability audits and other methods, UX experts help increase the usefulness of your site or application, make it easier and more comfortable to use, thereby creating a bridge between the business and visitors. However, it takes a whole team to build, test, maintain, and promote a quality website.

Contact us if you are looking for a professional team.
