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  • Sweetcode Lab: The Email Marketing Process Chain

    Apr 29, 2021Email marketing process chain we strategically developed as part of our SMM&SEO Services.

    Email marketing is an important part of any marketing strategy. Email is the most cost-effective way to promote your products, communicate with your customers, and reach your business goals. Our team knows how to convert prospects into customers and turn one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans using email marketing. And today, we want to share […]

  • A Complete Guide to Great Website Navigation

    Apr 15, 2021Little things make a big difference. And your website navigation is a great example.

    Little things make a big difference. And your website navigation is a great example. Because your brand must have an easy-to-use and smart design, and the first step is creating intelligent website navigation.  This article will look at some key aspects that we have learned from designing our website navigation over the years and share […]

  • 9 Figma Plugins

    Apr 02, 2021Happy designing!

    Figma is the best tool for UX design, and in this article, we outline some of the best plugins for designers. Hoping this article could speed up your workflow and potentially avoid the hassle. Let you have more time for design, and plugins take over the routine. And, sure, all these plugins are free. Let’s […]

  • AARRR Framework – How to Define will Your Project Success or Not

    Mar 19, 2021Make sure your business on the right way.

    Sweetcode Lab already has 4 in-house projects, so more than anyone else knows that launching your product is difficult. And even harder it is making sure it is continuously able to retain and attract new clients. In this article, we want to tell you about measuring a product’s growth to make sure it’s on the […]

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