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brand identity Posts

  • Rebranding: 6 Main Reasons to Update Your Business

    Oct 12, 2022Rebranding is the process of creating a new look and feel for an existing product or company.

    Quality branding is a long process that includes several steps – company and market analysis, competitors and audience research, brand platform development, unique brand name, logo design, and corporate identity. However, this is the only way to create a consistent brand image that will interact with your audience and partners, increasing brand awareness and revenue. […]

  • Visual Identity. Everything About This Essential Aspect of Your Branding

    Feb 05, 2021Everything you create should represent your brand accurately.

    Guys, do you remember the beauty salon logo? Or a supermarket logo near your home? What about the Nike or Coca-Cola logo? Yes, this results from the professional work with the brand and identity that made it possible to achieve recognition. But first of all, what is Brand Visual Identity? Brand visual identity is a […]

  • Branding vs. Brand Identity: What’s The Difference?

    Jan 11, 2021Let's be clear about Branding and Brand Identity.

    Today, we will tell you how branding and brand identity differ. We are telling you right now. These are not synonyms at all. We explain how one differs from the other. Lesson 1. What is Branding? Branding – is the management of a brand’s meaning. The company’s mission and values. Tone of the voice – […]