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startup Posts

  • Outsourcing & Outstaffing in 2023: Benefits, Myths and Study Finds

    Dec 09, 2022Global changes, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and technological progress, have significantly impacted the world's technological landscape.

    Global changes, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and technological progress, have significantly impacted the world’s technological landscape. So the IT industry, in general, and especially outsourcing and outstuffing software providers, constantly monitor and respond to these changes, and our company it’s not an exception.  Accordingly, the satisfaction of companies from cooperation is growing, which generates […]

  • 7 Toxic Thoughts That Hinder Your Success

    Nov 11, 2022Often, the only barrier that prevents us from becoming successful is our mind.

    Often, the only barrier that prevents us from becoming successful is our mind. Of course, it’s normal to have thoughts of doubt and go through moments of anxiety. However, it’s crucial to start controlling our thoughts proactively instead of letting them run wild if we want to improve our quality of life, achieve our goals […]

  • How to Come Up With a Catchy Business Name That People Will Remember

    Aug 19, 2022Developing a brand name is like a scrabble game, but the process is much more fun and challenging.

    Developing a business name is like a scrabble game, but the process is much more fun and challenging. Because coming up with a business name is one of the essential steps in starting a business. Finally, your brand will be recognized and remembered by its name.  A great and effective name can boost your company, […]

  • How to Build an Relaxation App That Helps People Sleep Better

    Jul 07, 2022Increasingly more people strive to rid themselves of constant stress and anxiety. Our team is no exception. 

    Everyone deals with stress, and it is a normal part of life. But when you constantly react to stressful situations, the effects can threaten your inner peace and healthy sleep.  Thankfully, global mental health awareness is evolving, and increasingly more people strive to rid themselves of constant stress and anxiety. Our team is no exception.  […]

  • 5 Pro Tips for Finding a Good Idea for a Startup

    Jun 17, 2022It's great if a brilliant idea hits you in the middle of the night. But is your idea good enough? 

    It’s great if a brilliant startup idea hits you in the middle of the night or while you’re standing in line. But is your idea good enough to become successful and change people’s lives?  We will tell you how to find a promising idea in this article. What do you know about startups? There is […]

  • Jobs to Be Done. An innovative framework to identify your customers’ needs

    Dec 17, 2021Stop focusing on your product — focus on your user problems and help the users change their status to "done."

    You can create a fancy electric vehicle with all-wheel drive and AI – but it’s not enough to sell. Instead, you have to dig deeper and shift the focus from the product to the consumer.  The Jobs To Be Done concept handles this. Let’s figure out how it works to prevent the creation of unnecessary […]

  • How to Open an Online Store in Five Simple Steps

    Nov 09, 2021Sweetcode Lab, in collaboration with Kilo, provides you with six simple steps to help you launch a successful online shop.

    According to statistics, e-commerce sales are predicted to hit $6.5 trillion by 2023. Based on those data points, digital commerce has a great and growing opportunity, especially now when the world is increasingly moving online. In this article, Sweetcode Lab, in collaboration with Kilo, provides you with six simple steps to help you launch a […]

  • AARRR Framework – How to Define will Your Project Success or Not

    Mar 19, 2021Make sure your business on the right way.

    Sweetcode Lab already has 4 in-house projects, so more than anyone else knows that launching your product is difficult. And even harder it is making sure it is continuously able to retain and attract new clients. In this article, we want to tell you about measuring a product’s growth to make sure it’s on the […]

  • Think Twice: 7 Ways To Test The Effectiveness Of Any Idea

    Jan 11, 2021Let's keep your idea in people's minds.

    Every business venture starts with an idea. But why one idea became successful and viral while others are forgotten in a week? Let’s figure out what principles to follow to keep your vision in people’s minds. We hope that these principles will allow you not only to gain concrete insight into whether current customers will […]